Monday, July 22, 2013

A Thought About Being Successful and Another Thing About Goals

         Hello my friends! A lot recently I have been thinking about what it takes to be a successful person. I've been trying to figure out what it means, and the aspects of, and all in between. I've been looking up kids around my age who are said to have done awesome things, and I've been researching the lives of fictional characters even to discover what made them awesome (i/e Sherlock Holmes and when he started crime solving), and real people such as acclaimed actors or young authors. I've been looking for trends---- anything, that draws these people together, and seeing what perhaps may bind them together.
That thing, I've come to notice is a combination of extreme motivation, a bit of luck, and perhaps you've guessed it, goals. Ding ding ding! GOALS!
        If not one of the first steps of accomplishing great things, having a goal to do so is definitely a step in the right direction. Now I know what you're maybe thinking. But Noelle! I have goals, how do I start? Or, perhaps, some of you already have goals and you're working on them. Cool beans! Completing anything I set out to do I know always leaves me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside. But sometimes I get so caught up in my current life that I soon find myself with a mound of goals! A whole kaboodle that I can hardly sort through, and I try to work on all of them but they just pile up, and I end up reaching none of them, and then I get sad, and that's just not a pretty sight.

         Basically I have about 2,000,000,584,734,592,834.9 goals for my life, and my question is, How the heck do I pick which one to start on first? 
I'm thinkin' some of you might be thinking similar questions, so here's what I gathered, and perhaps maybe I can help you into a mind set to help you achieve your goals as well. Or even, help you to jump-start into wanting to make goals.

Or just you know, goal guide.

1) First and foremost; Pick something you want to get done eventually. Picking something that you want done eventually is the first step to getting that something done sooner than eventually.

2) Pick something that interests you. This can go for almost anything. Jobs, charities, heck, T.V. shows, movies. Make sure that the goal you want to accomplish will eventually benefit you, someone who lives with you, or something/someone that you care deeply about. If you're not interested in something in any way, it probably will not get done. Try to find something you enjoy about the goal, if it has to be done and you don't want to do it. Do you wanna lose that 5 pounds? Do you want to take out the trash? Do you want that oscar? Great! You're a step closer to picking out your goal.

3) Which one is the most important one to get done? Well I suppose to choose what goal to get done, you gotta pick the goal that has to be done first. Any deadlines, like homework, or bills/taxes to be paid, trash taken out, galaxies to save from certain doom. You know, that kind of stuff. Yeah, pick the one that has to be done, and soon.

4) SBSKGFBS. Okay so say you don't have an immediate galaxy to save. Say that all of your goals are of the same level of importance. Honestly, then just pick one that you enjoy working toward, and Nike; just do it. That may be hard to say, but once you get going on something, much like eating brownies, sometimes it's hard to stop. If you get started on a goal sometimes you feel inspired and keep doing it. AWESOME! That's the point!! Perseverance when doing a job is key, and with that my friends, is how any goal becomes underway and eventually completed.

1) IT'S OKAY TO START SMALL. People sometimes make goals out to be these humungo-almost-impossible-to-obtain things, when in reality, a goal can be so simple. Floss twice a day, write a poem once a day, compliment a stranger. ANY SMALL GOAL CAN BE A GOOD GOAL.

2) Don't let anyone tell you your goal is stupid if it's for self-betterment or a good cause. If you strongly believe in something, stick to that belief. If you have a goal you don't want to be easily swayed away from your path just because someone is simply not as into your interest as you are. If you want to be that hot-dog-eating-arm-wrestling knitting champion, you be that hot dog eating arm-wrestling knitting champion.

3) Don't be close-minded, either. This is something I have to work on. Be open to suggestions that people may give you. Listening to other's opinions can be extremely helpful in guiding you to achieve your goal. Sometimes people will make a point that you had not thought of, and perhaps give you a different aspect than from where you come from. Also on that note, listen to elders. They've lived longer than you and have experienced a bunch of life. They may be able to help you if you have any questions.

4) Try using sites like this! This is a site that thousands and thousands of people use to keep track of their goals and progress. Through this you can read posts people write on how they achieved certain goals, and you can help others achieve goals as well. Mega cool.

5) Disengage the procrastination monster. Raaawwr! Yes this I most have trouble with. Especially when your goal involves a computer, it is SO EASY to disconnect thoughts from the task at hand to the newest gadget in the science in science technological stuff and stuff. But friends once you have a goal, you gotta stick to the goal. And I know sometimes with internet procrastination I use thoughts like Oh yes but this will make me smarter and that's a goal I have! Trust me, there is plenty of time to be smarter and read about Rihanna or whatever after your goal is done.

6) Make lists!! OOOH! Lists! Lists are so cool to organize your thoughts!! Going back up to the list of stuff I made before (ooo list-ception) lists can help you organize, prioritize, interest-ize, and help with all sorts of important factors of goal-making. They can also help you to get your ideas down onto paper so that you don't forget them while completing one goal or another and whatnot.

7) Pick one goal, and focus on it. One goal alone can be hard enough to accomplish. When you have a hundred goals flying around your head like a hundred little butterflies, singling one goal out is so difficult. I'm not saying that you can't focus on more than one, but I know for me sometimes the progress can become slow. Focusing on one can help the goal get complete sooner.Once it's out of the way, that can clear you to start on the next goal! Sometimes achieving one goal can lead to achieving another! 
Ever seen Napoleon Dynamite?

 Wanting to help his friend become the high school class president, and wanting to make a huge impact on the student body, he set a goal to dance on stage and preform a kick-butt routine. And guess what!? He did it. Napoleon bought a dance tape, learned the moves and eventually Pedro became his school's student president, and in turn, Napoleon got a girlfriend, learned about himself, and gained confidence.
So what am I saying?
       Dude anyone can be a Napoleon Dynamite. Set your mind to something, and it can be done. Your mind is one of your most powerful assets, and putting it to good use is an awesome, awesome feeling.
And who knows? You may find that completing a goal leads you to discover more about yourself and who you are, and really, that in itself is an accomplishment.

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